Messrs. Samuel & Wm. Vernon & Co. in Acct. with Rich'd Adams
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Davis, Benjamin ; Littlepage, James ; Deblois, Lewis ; Hibbart, Captain ; Taylor, William ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Winston, Anthony ; Massie, William ; Royal Charlotte (Brig) ; Little Sally (Schooner) ; Samuel & William Vernon & Co. ; Smith & Anderson
Messrs. Samuel and William Vernon in Accot. With John Thornton & Chas. Yates
Creator / Contributor
Thornton, John ; Yates, Charles ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Mitchell, Ezekiel ; Jett, Thomas ; Taylor ; Duncan, John, Captain ; Stanton, John ; Fairbanks, Jonathan ; Vernon, William Ward ; Payne Moor & Co. ; Hopkins & Hayley ; Jordan & Co. ; Othello (Brig)
Sales 66 Negroes Receiv'd [of] the Brig Othello, Capt. John Duncan & Sold on Accot. Mss. Samuel and William Vernon, Merchts. Rhode Island [by] Adams & Griffin
Creator / Contributor
Adams & Griffin ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Griffin, Corbin ; Cambell, Niel ; Donald, Robert ; Boyd, Walter ; Hankley, James ; Atkins, Samuel ; Ward, William ; Foese, John ; Brittain, John ; Farmer, Isham ; Elliss, Jesse ; Wood, Drury ; Ball, Lewis ; Cocke, Bowler ; Renard, Richard ; White, David ; Strong, William ; Puryear, Hezekiah ; Stewart, Alexander ; West, Robert ; Woods, Richard ; Stewart, Alexander ; Hendley, William ; Cox, Hickinson ; Smith, William ; Miss, Joseph ; Adams, Richard ; Lichter, Giles ; Price, Leonard ; Fortune, John ; Whitlone, William ; Walker, William ; Whitlock, James ; Austin, Archer ; William, Thomas ; Montgomery, John ; Thacher, Pettus ; Posey, Richard ; Palmer, John ; Hinley, William ; DuVal, Samuel ; Eubank, John ; Davis, Richard ; Christian, William ; Othello (Brig) ; Samuel Woods & Co. ; Richard Woods & John McKiand ; Baine McKane & Co.
Sales of 52 Negro's Imported in the Schooner Little Sally Capt. William Taylor and sold on acct. of Messrs. Saml. & Wm. Vernon & Co. Merchts. Newport Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William, Captain ; Lyon, Peter ; Firbush, William ; Ashley, John ; Watkins, Thomas ; Massie, William ; Burton, William Allen ; Woollen, Joseph ; Stone, William ; Mitchel, Samuel ; Martin, John ; Wills, William ; Bacon, Harwood ; Moore, Obediah ; Poor, Robert ; Strange, John ; Price, Samuel ; Harwood, John, Jr. ; Anderson ; Hopper, John ; Gordon, Robert ; Colley, Charles ; Spears, Robert ; Faris, Jacob ; Hooper, Thomas ; Hundley, Jacob ; Wood, John ; Little Sally (Schooner)
Sales of 6 slaves in Co. w'th C. Godfrey
Creator / Contributor
Godfrey, Caleb, Captain ; Grey, Ebenezer ; Stevens, Robert ; Stelle, Isaac ; Ward, Henry ; Austin & Laurens
Sales of 8 Slaves Remains of a Cargo Imported in the Little Sally Capt. Wm. Taylor, July 1763 and sold by Rich'd Adams on Acct. Messrs. Sam. & Wm. Vernon & Co. R. Island
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William, Captain ; Fry, John ; Hancock, Robert ; Martin, William ; Clopton, Benjamin ; Taylor, William ; Clarke, Benjamin ; Little Sally (Schooner)
Sales of seventy five Negroes imported in the Othello George Dunbar Sweet Master on Account of Sam. & William Vernons Merchants Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Sweet, George Dunbar ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Christie, George ; Rutherford, Thomas ; Gentle, Robert ; Davidson, Andrew ; Cunningham, John ; Browne, Peter ; Gray, John ; Preist, John ; Wood, Jonathan ; Mostyn, Jeremiah ; Bullock, William ; Clarke, Robert ; Smart, Alexander ; Trought, Nicholas ; Rachael ; Hawkins, George ; Smith, John ; Sherriffe, Alexander ; Libert, Elizabeth ; Shore, George ; Mitchell, John ; Scott, George ; Lugg, James ; Weaver, Nicholas ; Wight, Edward ; Purchas, William ; Nail, Jonathan ; Wiles, Ephraim ; Wilson, Abiathar ; Magee, Paul ; Dougan, Robert ; Roe, John ; Hunt, Michael ; Welcome, Jacob ; Wallace, Thomas ; Cooper, David ; Mairez, Francis ; Othello (Brig) ; Watson & Wannup
Sales of the Brigantine Othello's Cargo Including Duty
Creator / Contributor
Thornton, John ; Yates, Charles ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Kirk, Jeremiah ; Mitchell, George ; Taite, James ; Burdine, Originald ; Thornton, John ; Towleson, George ; Moss, Moses ; Allan, Thomas ; Blair, Alexander ; Morris, Stephen ; Gatewood, Henry ; Thornton, John ; Thatcher, Thomas ; Partlow, John ; Gatewood, Henry ; Grigsby, William ; Blair, Alexander ; Murphey, Peter ; Williams, Barnett ; Clark, John ; Brown, Dixon ; Thornton, Francis ; George, Parnick ; Abbett, John ; Power, Peter ; Goodall, John ; Dickinson, Edward ; Sullivan, Francis ; Pearle, William ; Hawkins, Joseph ; Drummond, Andrew ; Thornton, Frances ; Allan, Thomas ; Othello (Brig)
Sales of the Brigantine Othello's Cargo Including Duty
Creator / Contributor
Thornton, John ; Yates, Charles ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Kirk, Jeremiah ; Mitchell, George ; Taite, James ; Burdine, Originald ; Thornton, John ; Towelson, George ; Moss, Moses ; Allan, Thomas ; Blair, Alexander ; Morris, Stephen ; Gatewood, Henry ; Thornton, John ; Thatcher, Thomas ; Partlow, John ; Grigsby, William ; Murphey, Peter ; Williams, Barnett ; Clark, John ; Brown, Dixon ; Thornton, Francis ; George, Parnick ; Abbett, John ; Power, Peter ; Goodall, John ; Dickinson, Edward ; Sullivan, Francis ; Pearle, William ; Hawkins, Joseph ; Drummond, Andrew ; Thornton, Frances ; Allan, Thomas ; Othello (Brig)
Sloop Louisa Disbursmts. Charleston May 6th, 1806.
Creator / Contributor
Phillips & Gardner ; Phillips, Samuel ; Weaver, Benjamin, Captain ; Lewis, Peter ; Tayer, William ; Weeden, William ; Everith, Richard ; Louisa (Sloop)
State of 87 Slaves, Othello's Cargo John Duncan, Master
Thornton, John ; Yates, Charles ; Whitler, Jacob ; Johnston, Jacob ; Johnston, Benjamin ; Sowerby, Philip ; Smith, Betty ; Horne, Mary ; Othello (Brig)
The Briggantine Royall Charlotte for Slaves Purchased on the Coaste of Affrica for Accot. Of Owners of Sd. Briggt.
Creator / Contributor
Royal Charlotte (Brig)
The Owners of the Brigt. Marigold Their Accot. Current for Sundrys Dispos'd of on the Coast of Africa