By the United States in Congress assembled. A proclamation: Whereas in pursuance of a plenipotentiary commission, given on the twenty-ninth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, to the Honourable John Adams, Esq. a treaty of amity and commerce between their High Mightinesses the States-General of the United Netherlands, and the United States of America, was, on the eighth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, concluded
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; United Provinces of the Netherlands ; 1782 Oct. 8.
By the United States in Congress assembled. A proclamation: Whereas in pursuance of a plenipotentiary commission, given on the 28th day of September, 1782, to the Honorable Benjamin Franklin, a treaty of amity and commerce between His Majesty the King of Sweden and the United States of America, was on the 3d of April, 1783, concluded
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Sweden ; 1783 Apr. 3.
By the United States of America in Congress assembled: A proclamation, declaring the cessation of arms, as well by sea as by land, agreed upon between the United States of America and His Britannic Majesty; and enjoining the observance thereof. ... Done in Congress, at Philadelphia, this eleventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Boudinot, Elias ; 1740-1821 ; Claypoole, David C. ; 1757?-1849
By the United States of America, in Congress assembled, March 22d, 1783: On the report of a committee to whom was referred a motion of Mr. Dyer, together with the memorial of the officers of the army
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United States ; Continental Congress.
Colony of Massachusett's-Bay, 1776: We the subscribers, do each of us severally for ourselves, profess, testify and declare, before God and the world, that we verily believe that the war, resistance and opposition in which the United American Colonies are now engaged, against the fleets and armies of Great-Britain, is on the part of said colonies, just and necessary. And we do hereby severally promise, covenant and engage
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Massachusetts ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803 ; Massachusetts
Committee of Safety, New-York, January 27, 1776: Instructions to the colonels, and other officers, for inlistment of four new battalions in the Continental service, for the defence of the colony of New-York ; Committee of Safety, New York, January 27, 1776
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New York (State) ; Committee of Safety. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807 ; Varick, Richard ; 1753-1831 ; Forbes, William A. ; Van Hook, Arondt ; d. 1798? ; Fairley, J. S. ; Woodhull, Nathaniel ; 1722-1776
Committee room, June 10, 1779: Whereas sundry applications have been made to this committee by many worthy inhabitants from different parts of the state, for the purpose of procuring therefrom such advice and assistance as may be useful towards forming committees on a similar plan in the several counties; therefore resolved, that the proceedings already published, together with the following circular letter, be sent to each county
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Philadelphia (Pa.) ; Henry, William ; 1729-1786 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781: Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants
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Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803 ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1755-1801 ; Edes, Peter ; 1756-1840
Copies of two bills presented and read in the House of Commons, on the 19th of February last
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Great Britain ; Parliament. ; House of Commons. ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802
Council-Chamber, Philadelphia, [blank] 1781: Instructions for recruiting a corps of rifle men, to serve until the first of January next
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Pennsylvania ; Supreme Executive Council. ; Reed, Joseph ; 1741-1785 ; Weidman, John ; 1756-1830
Covention [sic] at Concord, Sept. 22, 1779 for stating the prices of sundry articles: At a convention of delegates, met at Concord, for the state of New-Hampshire, on Wednesday the 22d of September, A.D. 1779,--for the purpose of endeavouring to lay some plan to appreciate the paper currency,-- ; Convention at Concord, Sept. 22, 1779 for stating the prices of sundry articles
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Convention begun and held at Concord (1779 Sept. 22-23) ; Fowle, Zechariah ; d. 1784 ; Langdon, John ; 1741-1819
A Declaration, or Ordinance, of the Convention of the State of New-York, passed May 10, 1777, offering free pardon to such of the subjects of the said State, as, having committed treasonable acts against the same, shall return to their allegiance. Whereas divers of the subjects of this State, have been seduced from their allegiance to the same, by the arts of subtle and wicked emissaries from the enemy ... Extract from the minutes. Robert Benson, Sec'ry
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New York (State) ; Convention of the Representatives ; (1776-1777) ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813
Extract of a letter from General Gates, dated camp at Saratoga, October 18, 1777: Sir, I have the satisfaction to present your excellency with the convention of Saratoga; by which His Excellency Lieutenant General Burgoyne has surrendered himself
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Gates, Horatio ; 1728-1806 ; Vaughan, John ; 1747 or 8-1795 ; Bailey, Francis ; 1735?-1815 ; United States ; Continental Congress.
Gen. Washington: a new favourite song, at the American camp. To the tune of the British grenadiers ; Vain Britons boast no longer, with proud indignity ; War and Washington ; British grenadier (Tune)
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Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell ; 1748-1808
Gentlemen, Although a certain day is fixed for the session of Congress, which we beg leave to remind you is the first of February; and although we have no prospect of necessity of calling the Congress sooner, yet we have abundant reason to request that the meeting may be as full as possible on that day
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New York (State) ; Committee of Safety. ; Van Cortlandt, Pierre ; 1721-1814
George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland ... Whereas, by a statute made and passed ... An act to prohibit all trade and intercourse with the colonies ... and also two acts made in the last session ... and whereas by a certain other statute ... An act for enabling the commissioners ... to grant commissions ... to take and make prizes ... three of our commissioners ... by their warrant ... the fourth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight ... appointed our trusty and well-beloved William Tryon
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Great Britain ; Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III) ; New York (Colony) ; Governor (1771-1780 : Tryon). ; New York (State) ; Governor (1780-1783 : Robertson) ; Surprize (Schooner) ; St. Patrick (Schooner) ; Trimmer (Schooner) ; Tryon, William ; 1729-1788 ; Bayard, Robert. ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802 ; Brien, Mathew ; McDonald, James ; Etherington, Robert ; Philips, Jonathan ; Ross, David ; Stewart, William ; Robertson, James ; 1717-1788 ; Whatman, James ; 1741-1798
Head quarters, Peeks-kill, general orders for the army under the command of Brigadier General M'Dougall: The rank and file of each company will be equally divided among the serjeants
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United States ; Continental Army. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813
Head-quarters, New-York, April, 8th 1776: The general, informs the inhabitants, that it is become absolutely necessary, that all communication, between the ministerial fleet and shore, should be immediately stopped ... Capt. James Alner is appointed inspector
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United States ; Continental Army. ; Alner, James. ; Putnam, Israel ; 1718-1790
His Majesty's most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament, on Friday October 27, 1775
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III) ; Great Britain ; Parliament. ; Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807
I [blank] being made a prisoner of war, by the Army of the Thirteen United Colonies in North-America, do promise and engage, on my word and honour, and on the faith of a gentleman, to depart from hence to [blank] in the province of [blank] being the place of my destination, and residence