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New York (State)
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In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York, Kingston, April 1, 1777.
In Provincial Congress, New-York, June 13, 1776.
At a general meeting of the Committee of Mechanicks, at Mrs. Van Dyke's, the 27th December, 1783.
To the mechanicks and free electors of the city and county of New-York.
State of New-York, an act for completing the five Continental battalions, raised under the direction of this state.
following are recommended as proper persons to represent the city and county of New-York, in Provincial Congress.
St. Tammany Society, no. [blank.] This is to certify, that [blank] is a member of the Society of the Sons of St. Tammany.
To the electors of the city of New-York.
Declaration, or Ordinance, of the Convention of the State of New-York, passed May 10, 1777, offering free pardon to such of the subjects of the said State, as, having committed treasonable acts against the same, shall return to their allegiance. Whereas d
To the Whig mechanicks of the city and county of New-York.
Gentlemen, Although a certain day is fixed for the session of Congress, which we beg leave to remind you is the first of February; and although we have no prospect of necessity of calling the Congress sooner, yet we have abundant reason to request that th
Committee-chamber, New-York, April 13th 1776.
Sir, By virtue of the authority vested in us by certain resolutions of the Congress of the colony of New-York, of the [blank] day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1776, reciting, that whereas there are in this colony, divers persons, who ... have been co
George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland ... Whereas, by a statute made and passed ... An act to prohibit all trade and intercourse with the colonies ... and also two acts made in the last session ... and whereas by a c
To the citizens of New-York.
In Committee of Safety for the state of New-York. Fish-kill, Jan. 6, 1777.
hymn to be sung by the charity scholars, on Sunday, the 19th of October, 1783, at St. Paul's Church, after the charity sermon for the benefit of the school.
In Provincial Congress for the colony of New-York, the [blank] day of [blank] 1776.
hymn to be sung by the charity scholars, on Sunday, the 12th of October, 1783, at St. George's Chapel, after the charity sermon for the benefit of the school.
To the inhabitants of New-York.
New-York, [blank] This is to certify, that the bearer [blank] has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration, agreeable to the terms of their Excellencies the Commissioners proclamation, dated at New-York, 30th November, 1776.
To all adherents to the British government and followers of the British Army commonly called Tories, who are at present within the city and county of New-York.
To the honourable magistrates, and worthy electors of King's County, on Nassau-Island, in the colony of New-York.
proclamation. By His Excellency the Honorable William Howe.
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