To the public. By the following letters, these facts appear unquestionable ... : and therefore, there is no reason to doubt but the present Assembly will (after the laudable example of a former House, on a similar occasion) approve the acts of the late general Congress ..., page [1]
Creator / Contributor
Remembrancer ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; New York (State). General Assembly ; Committee of Correspondence (New York, N.Y.) ; Boston Committee of Correspondence
To the publick. Fellow citizens, Your sense and humanity have, the last evening, firmly declared against the cruel and unwarrantable measure of banishing from their country two unhappy persons …
Creator / Contributor
Friend to order
To the very learned, loquacious, rhetorical, oratorical, disputative, flexible, incomprehensible, impenetrable, pathetic and irresistably eloquent chairman. : A certain John Thurman who stiles himself chairman of a certain ministerial junto ... having published his objections to appointing deputies to meet those from the counties, and join with them in choosing delegates for the next Congress ...
Creator / Contributor
Tory ; Holt, John, 1721-1784
To the worthy inhabitants of the city of New-York. : My dear fellow-citizens, You are soon to be called upon to determine the fate of two of our fellow-citizens, who have unhappily fallen under your displeasure …
Creator / Contributor
Whereas a report has been industriously propagated in this city, that the Continental Congress had passed a resolve, that unless American grievances were redressed by the first of March, these colonies should be independent of Great-Britain ... this Committee are satisfied ... that such report is false and groundless ...
Creator / Contributor
General Committee for the City and County of New-York ; Remsen, Henry, 1736-1792 ; Holt, John, 1721-1784
Whereas we the subscribers have broke the association of the late Continental Congress, : by unloading a part of the cargo from on board the ship Beulah; we do declare that we are sorry for the offence ...