- Includes consideration of proposal from a woman, May King Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Van Rensselaer), for a lantern slide lecture series for children, and offer of the hall to the City History Club; and acceptance of invitation from the Daughters of the Cincinnati to attend their annual reception., New-York Historical Society
- Includes acceptance of invitation from the Daughters of the Cincinnati to attend their annual reception; approval for repair of building roof with rolled copper by John Borkel & Company (building repairs and maintenance); and approval of conservation work by H.A. Hammond Smith on the painting Madonna and Child., New-York Historical Society
- Includes decline of acquisition by purchase from the Fulton Club, via Nelson Macy, of the Sully portrait of Robert Fulton; and response to letters from Robert W. DeForest and Albert M. Lythgoe of the Metropolitan Museum of Art concerning conservation of the Egyptian collection., New-York Historical Society
- Includes response to letters from Robert W. DeForest and Albert M. Lythgoe of the Metropolitan Museum of Art concerning conservation of the Egyptian collection; financial matters, including bond and mortgage loans (investments); and installation of watchman timeclocks (security)., New-York Historical Society