Includes financial matters, including calling for payment of a bond by Forbes and Squires (Squiers) related to the bequest of Seth Grosvenor; and routine business., New-York Historical Society
Includes financial matters, including calling for payment of a bond by Forbes and Squires (Squiers) related to the bequest of Seth Grosvenor; arrangements for a celebration of the birthday of Washington Irving; and routine business., New-York Historical Society
Includes lecture arrangements; financial matters, including calling for payment of a bond by Forbes and Squires (Squiers) related to the bequest of Seth Grosvenor; rental fee for use of the building hall by Mrs. Blunt; membership nominations; and routine business., New-York Historical Society
Includes arrangements for publication of William Cullen Bryant's remarks and other documents related to the celebration of the birthday of Washington Irving; financial matters; and routine business., New-York Historical Society
Includes arrangements for publication of William Cullen Bryant's remarks and other documents related to the celebration of the birthday of Washington Irving; and financial matters., New-York Historical Society
Includes financial matters; membership nominations (of William Cullen Bryant); formation of a committee on obituaries to recognize member deaths., New-York Historical Society
Includes arrangements for publication of William Cullen Bryant's remarks and other documents related to the celebration of the birthday of Washington Irving; and membership nominations., New-York Historical Society