Parchment fragment with two stamps on blue paper affixed to the recto and two printed cypher labels affixed to the verso. The ’upper’ blue paper square is a 15 shilling stamp (with "COMPT. DUTY" at head "FIFTEEN SHILLINGS" at foot) with a small piece of metal foil near the center. The cypher label behind this stamp (affixed to the verso of the parchment) has the monogram of George III and the numbers "50" in the upper left corner and "1" in the upper right corner. The ’lower’ blue paper square is a 1 shilling stamp (with "SINGLE X SHILLS." at head and "DEEDS" at foot), also with a small piece of metal foil near the center. The cypher label behind this stamp (affixed to the verso of the parchment) has the monogram of George III and the numbers "32" in the upper left corner and "3" in the upper right corner.