THIS PICTURE and' ©H THIS. "O^XC fin- M/4 Vtssmr %r%e*» everuslfed t£d teem- & atJ&j j&e/, THIS WAS- et m&-n/-— HEME IS. . /&*£ a> m/Zua/diov.. "ffvalj/ttia,' nu' ?p/<i6:jv?/k- -&t&£wis^ Yfit <X*«uh: ' Ncw^Wk. June. 1801. The rage over Paine's return in 1802 sparked the first all-out attack on Jefferson's administration. This 1807 engraving compares Jefferson unfavorably to Washington as many newspapers had earlier, the new-york historical society. Duane had in fact braced for the assault on Paine's religious views as early as July 14,1801, when the Aurora pointed out: "The pretended crime of Thomas Paine, is his Age of Reason. We do not mean to defend that work. That has been undertaken by hundreds, and the book itself is now thrown by among other lumber. We assert however that the writing of that book, is not a proof of his impiety, nor can it be a justification of any person in attempting to asperse the man!' In a later issue, the Philadelphia editor continued, "Any person who reads the Gazette of the United States and the Washington Federalist will soon be con-