[ 68 ] WILLIAM S. REESE 10. By His Excellency / Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Governor in Chief of Their Majesties / Province of New-York, Province of Pennsil- vania, Country of New-Castle, / and the Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon in America, and / Vice-Admiral of the same. / A Proclamation / Province of New-York ss. / [text] / Given at Ft. William Henry the 19th Day of August, 1693. Annoq Regni Regie & Reginas / Gulielmi & Marias Anglise, &c. quinto. / Ben. Fletcher. / God Save King William & Queen Mary. / [rule] / Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to Their Majesties, King / William and Queen Mary at the City of New-York, 1693. Broadside. 37.3 x 26.3 cm. A section is clipped from the bottom left-hand corner, not affecting the text. Eames conjectured the existence of this broadside from the "Calendar of Council Minutes!' but did not know of a copy. The present one is therefore unique. The proclamation forbids the exportation of provisions outside the province, since they might be needed in the event of a French attack. References: Eames 20. 11. [rule] / [line of type ornaments] / A / Speech / of / His Excellency / Benjamin Fletcher, / Governour / of New-York, &c. / To the Representatives of the said Province, / Conven'd in General Assembly, the 12th of / September, 1693. / [text begins]. [A2]. [1-3, text], [4, blank]. 31.5 x 19.7 cm. Unique. This speech was probably printed shortly after it was delivered. The text reiterates Fletcher's concern with revenue and defense of the city.