QUARTERLY BULLETIN 119 HP H E Committees of both Houfes of Congrefs, appointed * ■ to take order for conducing the ceremonial of the formal reception, &c. of the Prefident of theUntted States, onThunday next, have agreed to the following order thereon, viz, ThstGencralWebb,CoIonelSmith,Lieutenant-ColonelFim,LieutC^ Major Bleecker, and Mr. John R. Livtngfton,be requeftcd to iervc as AfTiftants on the occafion. -That a cliair be placed in the Senate-Chamber for the Prefident of the United 5tar.es. That a chair be placed in the Senate-Chamber for the Vice-Prefident, to the right of the Preftdent's chair , and j that the Senators take their feats on that fide of the chamber on* which the Vice-Prefident's chair fhall beplated. That a chair be placed in the Senate-Chamber for the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, to die left of the Prefi- dent's chair—and that die Reprefentatives take their feats on that fide of the chamber on which the Speaker's chair fhall be placed. . . -That ■feats be provided in the Senare-Chambe* fufficient to accommodate the late Prefident of iToflgrdsj die Governor of the Weftem territory, the five perfons being the heads of the three gteatdeparariehts, the Mmifter Plenipotentiary of France, die Encargado de negocios of £pam, the Chaplains of Congrefs, the perfons in the fuite of the Prefident; and alfo to accom* /tnodate the following Public Officers of the Stare,, viz. The Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor, the Chancellor* the Chief j office, and other Judges of the Supreme Court, and theMay- orof the city. That one of theAfilftants watt on thefe gendemen, and inform them that feats are provided for their accommodation, and alfo to fignify to them that no precedence of fears is intended, and that no falutation is expected from them on their entrance into, or their departure from the Senate-Chamber. " / 11 • That the members of bom Houfes afiemble k their refbeclive Chambers precifely at nVelve o'clock, and that the Reprefentatives preceded by the Speaker, and attended by their Clerk, and other Officers, proceed to the Senate-Chamber, there to be received by the Vice-Prefident and Senators rifing. i That the Committees attend the Prefident from his refidence to die Senate-Chamber, and that he be there received by the Vice-Prefident, die Senators and Reprefentatives rifing, and be by the Vice-Prefiicnt conducted to his chair. - That after the Prefident fhall be feated in his Chair, and the Vice-Prefident, Senators and Reprefentatives ihall be again feated, the Vice-Prefident fhall announce to the. Prefident,' .that the members of both Houfes wiSattend him to be prefent at his taking the Oath of Office re- jpred by the Corftfrjirinn., ±,Xo the end that die Oath of Office may be adrmniftered *© th»- ""'PreSdent In the moft publie manner, and that the greateft number of the people of the United States, and without distinction, may be witneffes to the folemnity, that therefore the Oath be adminiftered in the outer Gallery adjoining to the Senate Chamber. That when the Prefident fhall proceed to the gallery to take the Oath, he be attended by die Vke-Prefidcnt, and be followed by the Chancellor of the State, and pafs through the middle door, that the Senators pafs through the door on the right, and the Reprefentatives, preceded by the Speaker ,pafs through the door on the left, and fuch of the perfons who fhall have been admitted into die Senate-Chamber, and may be defirous to go into the gallery, are then alfo t» pafis through the door on the right. That when the Prefident fhall have taken tbe Oath, and retura- .ed into the Serate-Chamber, attended by the Vice-Prefident, and fhall be feated in Bis chair, that the Senators and the Reprefentatives alfo return into the Senate-Chamber, and that the ] Vice-Prefident and they refume their refpective feats. Both Houfes having rcfolved to accompany the Prefident after he fhall have taken the Oath, to St Paul's Chapel, to hear divine fervice, to be performed by the Chaplain of Congrefs, that f he following order of proceffion beobferved, viz. The door-keeper andjmefienger of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. The Clerk of the Houfe. The ReprefcntadvcsT The Speaker. The Prefident, with the Vice-Prefident at his left hand. The Senators, The Secretary of the Senate. The door-keeper, and meflenger of the Senate. That a Pew be referved for the Prefident—Vice-Prefident—Speaker of the Houfe of Re- prcfenta:ive5, arul the Committees i a»d that pews be alfo referved fuflicbat tor the reception of, the Senators and Reprefentatives. '" That after divine fervice fhall be performed, the Prefident be received at the door of the Church, by the Committees, and by them attended in carriages to his refidence. That it be intruftcd to the Afliftants to take proper precautions for keeping the avenues to the Hall open, and that for that purpofe, they wait on his Excellency the Governor of this State, and in die name of the Committees requeft his aid, by an order or recommendation to the Civil Officers, or militia of the city, to attend and ferve oo the occafion, as he fhall judge mall proper. April %<jtb, 1789. BROADSIDE STATING THE OFFICIAL ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE INAUGURATION OF WASHINGTON AS FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES