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United States Continental Congress. Hall, David 1755-1821 Hall, William 1752-1834 Sellers, William 1725?-1804
In Congress, June 9, 1778: Whereas doubts have arisen, as to the sum which shall be paid for the rations, which now may be due and owing to officers in the service of these states ... resolved, that the value of the rations due since the first day of last January till the first instant, be estimated at one third of a dollar
York-Town [Pa.]
Printed by Hall and Sellers.
[1778] 1778
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 28 x 22 cm.
Signed: Extract from the minutes, Charles Thomson, secretary. N-YHS copy: fabric lining.
Bristol Shipton & Mooney
Revolution, 1775-1783
Accounting History Confiscations and contributions Finance
United States. Continental Army
United States
government publication Broadsides.