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Massachusetts State Train of Artillery. Crafts, Thomas. Powars, Edward Eveleth Willis, Nathaniel 1755-1831
To all gentlemen volunteers, who prefer liberty to slavery, and are hearty friends to the grand American cause
Boston, Mass
Printed by Powars and Willis?
1777] 1777
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 23 x 18 cm.
Encouragement for volunteers to enlist in the Massachusetts State Train of Artillery, commanded by Col. Thomas Crafts. Text appeared as advertisement in the December 19, 1777, and subsequent issues of the Independent chronicle, published by Powars and Willis. Not in Ford, W.C. Broadsides. N-YHS copy: inscription on recto: Golden-ball on Taunton green. Thos. Greenleaf, recruiting officer; manuscript annotations in the text; mounted on paper backing.
Bristol, Shipton & Mooney,
Revolution, 1775-1783
Bounties, Military Recruiting and enlistment History American forces History, Military
Massachusetts. State Train of Artillery.
Massachusetts United States
government publication Broadsides.