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United States Continental Congress. Watson, Hannah 1749-1807 Goodwin, George 1757-1844
In Congress, October 3d, 1776: Resolved, that five millions of continental dollars be immediately borrowed for the use of the United States of America, at the annual interest of four per cent
Hartford [Conn.]
Printed by Watson and Goodwin.
[1777] 1777
1 sheet ([1] p.) ;38 x 25 cm.
Resolves regarding loans, interest, and the establishment of government loan offices, followed by two resolves dated Oct. 7, 1776 and Feb. 26, 1777, concerning interest rates and penalties for the counterfeiting of Continental Loan Office bills. N-YHS copy: fabric lining.
Revolution, 1775-1783
Counterfeits and counterfeiting Government securities Securities Debts, Public History Finance
United States. Continental Loan Office.
United States