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Connecticut Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull). Trumbull, Jonathan 1710-1785 Watson, Ebenezer 1744-1777
By His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq; governor of the state of Connecticut, in America. A proclamation: Whereas the General Assembly ... did resolve, that whereas sundry of the inhabitants of this state ... have absconded, and put themselves under the protection of the enemies of this and the other states of America: but are now supposed to be convinced of their error and would probably return to their duty had they assurance of protection ... Given under my hand at the Council chamber in Hartford, the 9th day of June, A.D. 1777
Hartford [Conn.]
Printed by Ebenezer Watson.
[1777] 1777
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 34 x 20 cm.
Concerning the granting of free pardons to deserters from the British forces, following their voluntary appearance before a justice and taking of an oath of allegiance to the state of Connecticut. Resolution includes text of oath of allegiance to the state of Connecticut. Signed: Jonathan Trumbull. Incorrectly ascribed to the New London press of Timothy Green by Evans. N-YHS copy: fabric lining.
Revolution, 1775-1783
American loyalists Desertion, Military Loyalty oaths History Collaborationists
Connecticut United States
government publication Broadsides. Proclamations.