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Cruger, Henry 1739-1827 Oakley, Walton Livingston Oakley, Matilda C. Cruger
From the Bristol gazette of October 10, 1782: At the request of many friends, we have obtained the consent of Mr. Cruger to print the substance of his speech on going out of office, as it was taken down at the time of delivering it in the Guildhall, (on the 29th of Sept.) and was nearly as follows
New York, N.Y
1782] 1782
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 34 x 22 cm.
The resignation speech of the mayor of Bristol, England. Evans entry omits "of October 10, 1782" from title, and erroneously identifies Cruger as the mayor of New York. Shipton & Mooney erroneously identify the author as John Cruger, mayor of New York 1756-1765. Imprint from Evans. Watermarks: Britannia. N-YHS copy 2 inscribed: "Walton Livingston Oakley from his dear Grandmama Matilda C. Cruger Oakley".
Mayors Watermarks Officials and employees
England Bristol Bristol (England)