- Pictorial Envelope: 1 envelope; 3 x 5 1/2 in. A statue of Washington on horse with an African American sitting on his shoulders and waving to a crowd. A Confederate flag is visible in the background. White envelope with red and blue ink. Image on left side. Printed below image: 'SOUTHERN CHIVALRY. RICHMOND, VA.' Printed vertically at left of image: 'Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by J. E. Hayes / in the Clerk's Office in the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.', About the Creator: J. E. Hayes was likely a resident of Boston, Massachusetts.
- Pictorial Envelope: 1 envelope; 3 x 5 1/2 in. Portion of Washington's Farewell Address in a laurel border. Cream envelope with blue ink. Image on left side. Stamps and cancelled post marks date this to July 27, 1861. Printed within laurel border: 'To the efficacy and / permanency of your Union / a government for the whole is / indi-pensable. No alliances, how- / ever strict, between the parts can be / an adequate substitute; * * It is, / indee, little else than a name, where / the government is too feeble to with- / stand the enterprises of faction, to con- / fine each member of the society within / the limits perscribed by the laws, and / to maintain all in the secure and tran- / quil enjoyment of the rights of per- / son and property.' Extract from / WASHINGTON'S / Farewell Address.' In handwriting, the envelope is addressed to 'Mr R. Herber Newton / ['Care of Brown Shipley & Co / Liverpool' crossed out / England' crossed out] / 21 New Ormond Street. London.', George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799) was a member of the Continental Congress, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, and the first President of the United States.