- Stereograph: Two story brick house with tree-lined walkway to front door, people on front steps. Inscription on verso 'This home was owned by the same McLean who owned the building where Lee surrendered to Grant', Manassas is near Bull Run Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard (28 May 1818-20 Feb. 1893) Officer in the Confederate Army during the U.S. Civil War who served as commander of various Confederate Army Departments with the rank of General.
- Stereograph: Group of covered wagons with horses, tents, the U.S. flag; all camped in an open field near a house. Inscription: (Manassas?), Irvin McDowell (15 Oct. 1818-4 May 1885) Graduated from West Point in 1838. At the start of the Civil War, McDowell was a brevet major and served on General Winfield Scott's staff. In late May 1861 he was given the command of the Union forces in the Department of Northeastern Virginia. McDowell led a corps in the Second Bull Run (Second Manassas) campaign. He was sent to command a territorial department on the West Coast. After the Civil War, he commanded the Department of the East from 1868 to 1872 and the Department of the South from 1872 to 1876. Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard (28 May 1818-20 Feb. 1893) Officer in the Confederate Army during the U.S. Civil War who served as commander of various Confederate Army Departments with the rank of General.
- Stereograph: Portable photographer's darkroom on wheels, parked among trees, photographer (O'Sullivan?) standing next to it. Inscription on verso 'One of Brady's outfits that photographed the Civil War', Timothy H. O'Sullivan (1840-14 Jan. 1882) Photographer whose career began as an apprentice operator in Mathew Brady's daguerreotype studio in New York City. Based out of Washington D.C., O'Sullivan photographed military sites and personnel during the Civil War. Followed General William Tecumseh Sherman through South Carolina from December 1861 to May 1862. Over the next three years, O'Sullivan worked for Alexander Gardner photographing soldiers, war equipment, and the aftermath of many significant battles. Following the Civil War, O'Sullivan participated in a number of important scientific and military surveys of the western United States.