Engraved for Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, January 11, 1862 (XIII:320): 120; 2 of 6 vignettes under the title: 'Scenes, Sports and Incidents in Camp Graham, Near Washington, D.C., Headquarters of the Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Regiment, on the Occasion of the Presentation of Regimental Colors, by the State of Pennsylvania, Saturday, December 14--.' The accompanying article (page 119) was titled 'Camp Graham and Its Festivities.' About the Artist: Arthur Lumley was born in Dublin, Ireland and lived in Brooklyn, New York. He produced illustrations for publications such as The Life and Adventures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky Mountains, Wild Life; or Adventures on the Frontier. A Tale of the Early Days of the Texan Republic. He was hired to work as a 'special artist' for Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. After the war, Lumley produced illustrations for numerous national and regional publications.