- Drawing: Graphite on beige paper. 7 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. Union cavalry in pursuit of distant Confederate cavalry that is setting fire to bridge and propertyf Fire and smoke billowing everywhere. Townspeople on foot and in carriages stand in the road watching the pursuit. Inscribed at lower right: 'The pursuit of the rebels / in Maryland. At lower left: 'Rebel Cavalry under Stuart / burning the bridge over the Catoctin / creek under pretense of checking the / pursuit, but in reality to destroy the pine[?] near barn & property of Adam Coogle / a Union Maryland farmer. Our Cavalry / continued pursuit.' Verso is inscribed: 'By F H Schell / see Frank Leslie's / Illustrated newspaper / October 4, 1862.', Engraved for Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, October 4, 1862 (XV:366): ?. Rebel Cavalry under Jeb Stuart burned the bridge over the Catoctin creek under the pretense of slowing pursuit, but in reality to destroy the property of Adam Coogle, a Union Maryland farmer. About the Artist: Francis H. Schell was an artist hired as a 'special artist' by Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in 1861. He was particularly interested in illustrating scenes depicting 'contraband' slaves, or slaves who labored for the military.