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Second Ball's Bluff Affair, Virginia.
Civil War drawings collection, approximately 1861-1865.
New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024, 212-873-3400
Drawing: Graphite on paper. 8 1/2 x 14 in. Title and description of scene on recto. Sketches of a chair and table, soldiers' rank patches, and other unidentified items. A scrap of paper laid on verso is inscribed: 'Second Ball's Bluff affair Butterfield's brigade of Morrell's div. / consisting of 44th NY--17th N.Y.--18 Mass & 118th Penn. / having crossed at dam No 4 were attacked by a / division of rebels & forced into the river the 118th Pa / a green regiment loosing about one half.'
The Battle of Ball's Bluff occurred prior to the organization of Morell's Fifth Army Corps on May 18, 1862. This was probably the Battle of Manassas (Second Bull Run), Malvern Hill, Gaines' Mill, or Antietam.
New-York Historical Society
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United States--Armed Forces--Insignia United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Campaigns Ball's Bluff, Battle of, Va., 1861 United States. Army. New York Veteran Infantry Regiment, 17th (1863-1865) United States. Army. Corps, 5th (1862-1865) United States. Army. New York Infantry Regiment, 44th (1861-1864) United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 18th (1861-1864) Military uniforms Military decorations Furniture
Sketches Drawings (visual works) Image
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