- Drawing: Graphite on paper; 9 3/8 x 7 in. Soldiers on foot and on horseback move through the town of Langley. Civilians stand by the road to watch. A horse is reshod at a blacksmith's shop. Signed and inscribed at lower right in graphite: 'Lumley . oct[illegible]'; at lower left in graphite: 'Union Troops huping through the town of Langley to Lewinsville and outwards.', A scene during the first Union advance into Virginia, as described in the Adjutant and Inspector General Reports 1864 Report, Appendix F HEADQUARTERS, CAMP ADVANCE, VA: September 27, 1861 Col. R. B. Marcy, VA.Chief of Staff. SIR: I have the honor to report to you that at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning, September 25, I moved towards Lewinsville, the right wing under Col. Taylor, leaving on the hill commanding Langley, on the Leesburg turnpike, one section of Capt. Mott's battery, supported by three companies of the Nineteenth Indiana; advancing on the road to Lewinsville, on a knoll covering the country to the right, the center section of the same battery, with four companies of the 2d Wisconsin; and one mile farther on the remaining section, under the immediate command of Capt. Mott, the Thirty-third New York' Also mentiond by William Farrar Smith, Brigadier-General Commanding at Chain Bridge at the Fight at Lewinsville. September 12, 1861, as printed in The New York Herald, 'THE REBELLION. WASHINGTON,' Sept. 11, 1861. 'In accordance with orders from Gen. McClellan, this morning, Gen. Smith, commanding the advance brigade on the south side of the Potomac near the Chain Bridge, directed a topographical reconnaissance to be made in the direction of Lewinsville. The reconnoitering party consisted of the seventy-ninth New York Volunteers. After the arrival of our troops in Lewinsville, Cavalry and infantry pickets were thrown out on all the diverging roads and prominent places for a distance of half a mile. The enemy's battery, which by this time had attained a position within three-fourths of a mile of our troops, opened a rapid cannonade on our forces with shot and shell Captain Griffin's battery, returning briskly the fire of the enemy. While the cannonade was in full progress, Captain Thadeus Mott arrived on the ground with a section of artillery opened fire from his howitzers, and fired but three shells each, one striking in the midst of the reels and completely silencing their battery. The rebels, thus seeing themselves overmatched, retreated from the from the field.' About the Artist: Arthur Lumley was born in Dublin, Ireland and lived in Brooklyn, New York. He produced illustrations for publications such as The Life and Advenures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky Mountains, Wild Life; or Adventures on the Frontier. A Tale of the Early Days of the Texan Republic. He was hired to work as a 'special artist' for Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. After the war, Lumley produced illustrations for numerous national and regional publications.