8 The Neiv-York Historical Society to render service and promote good will among a constantly growing attendance in both library and museum, to the end that this Society may continue in full splendor the dissemination of knowledge designed by its founders. GEORGE A. ZABRISKIE President . »jiii\si> *^>.'w^ sC v»«v>«'^ i^ jk 4m/tfr M*f"c #-s»* - ™^5BaVa- ^fcW^^*- fcaW- '^fe^J'S^/ X^"****--,*-- ***»■ fiT *^t^WL **afc*~« ESSgfiR JBL > 1 Up ^iH, • ;\*?«SB3wW-:,K —.' hb EARLY HARLEM DEED DATED JUNE 23, 1662 Signed by Petrus Stuyvesant Gift of Dr. Vanderpoel Adriance, 1940