The Associated Loyalists [ 137 ] themselves as Circumstances may seem to them to require!' The associators' own knowledge of the country and of the enemy permitted them to "act much more advantagiously than can possibly be directed by any Orders given at New York!' 5. The board proposed that only the parties directly involved rather than the whole association be liable for damages against loyal or inoffensive persons. The directors concluded their objections by expressing their firm desire to aid in supressing the rebellion. They informed Clinton that their only motive was "to answer the Expectations His Majesty has been pleased to place in us...!' Clinton refused to heed the protests of the Refugees. He knew they would have to accept his commission or give up their project. He wrote them expressing his surprise at their objections and noted that his commission had been formulated only after "the maturest Deliberation!' He urged them to re-examine the commission and hoped it would "answer every necessary purpose... !'46 The board of directors, on its part, swallowed its pride and "unanimously determined to make the Experiment and if possible, to carry on the Commission into full Execution, and omit nothing which may be in the Power of the Board for obtaining the beneficial Purposes proposed by it!'47 As Franklin later reported to Joseph Galloway, the directors had come to realize it was "Either this or none'.' The board then worked quickly to draw up articles of association and a public declaration that conformed to Clinton's commission. The commander- in-chief approved them, and on December 30,1780, "A Declaration by the Honourable Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists" appeared in Rivington's Royal Gazette to officially announce the formation of the organization.48 In January 1781, the board of directors began to mobilize its forces. While no regular enlistment rolls of associators is available, Frank- 48 Sir Henry Clinton to Board of Directors, December 10,1780, Clinton Papers, quoted in Mariboe, "Franklin" 511-12. 47 Board Minutes, December 8,1780. 48William Franklin to Joseph Galloway, January 28, 1781, PROCO, 5/82, 38: Board Minutes, December 18-25,1780; Royal Gazette, December 30,1780.