r»-* fHEATR m fourthmanri&F the saw mill. Written nnd Composed hy MU'AH HAWKINS, with Orchestra Acc«m pa t ihn ci i is, by James Hewitt. tun. The Scenery and Mactiutejy design,-,! by Mr. 11. Uciuaglc, mid' executed under bis direction, assisted by Mr. I . t.iniinr. ■ The Dresses .Cbaractcrbtfo of the Country. ' On Saturday -Evening. De«. 4, 1S24. Will be presented a NEWOPERA, called THE I OR, dt Yankee Trick. Baron SchaftUerduvaJ, fount Phlegm, LMoom, lie rnian. ••*-.' !r. Morrison St- duff. Mr. Simp»f»ri Stiillcr. Jacob. - Roberts . Stlnke. Ellia, Mrs. Allen Fctiie Louisa, Warms; Mrchee, ' Wa'tA. - After which it must necessarily he laid aside for some time* AiN OCCASIONAL OVERTURE. Air—Ricliurd Bloom, Esq Uoudo—A hat Joy breaks forth. by ' 'r. Roberts. Song; The world forbids it, , Mrs ALLEN. Glee; Wo will be Merry, Messrs. Roberta, Blake, & Petrie. I . GRAND CANAL CHANCE MEDLEFJi 4 Messrs. Keene, Spiller, Frtrie. Roberts. i'lnkc, Collinp, Simpson. Wr.iy, Aic. 7 Rondo; Cease my Heart, Mrs. Waring. Dttet; Hum-Nose Ben, / by Messrs. Blake and Petrie. Song ; Oh! Yes by Day, Mr! Roberts, Duet ary^TnrvMrsvWfltmg, Mw. WaMcw&_Mc. Bobeis. Song; Historians and Poets, (Scotch Air) Mr. Blake J Song; \V hilst roughest Mountain Tops, Mrs. Afen. Song,-Oh I Love sends its Vofriee, Mrs. Wafmg* QnarteUo; Thus Love fre. Mrs, WBrinir. IPilstein, and Messrs. I'olierls and 'etrie. p Song; We Read &c Ma Rob<Mrt*f Waltz, Messrs. Simpson atfd Saundejs. Datiro by the Corps de Kntlet, 7 uiic. "I Vssian up a Gum Tree.. / . FINALE SOLD - M^HOBMjP'S^ '. 'atL. Ctforus by the Characters. !. >*|?£ DESCRIPTION OP SCUNSSY, Scene 4. A mountaiuous country through which runs the GRAND WESTERN CANAL. In the dMnnce. a Boat is &<*&-• to enter the Look, Drawn by a Hone t in ihe front - Mif 1 licr heel ton ol t lie Canal. A Urge > 'anal Host now appear* unci cros*M 11'<- Stage1; /.ouHii and Norcher enter from the Hoat. ('horns. by /.oni^a, .Norchee nnd Passcn- g''is on boar 1 iho Boat. Scene 5.—BlnomT3 Houm; Illuminated Act 2,—sceiie -.— The Baton ScfaafGlcrduvald BouM at Son act. The .-erne represents, no old Inehioi.M. Ut'iu-ii;, on Uic ri«lil pari of the G-ird^n. Bam, with outhuili)tii»s. the whole p-present- Injf, on es'ablished Farm, 1ft th*» We&torn {tart of the Slate of V w-York. A Mreati) of wiiler forms a pmnll Cascade through a Motif wall of the Garden; in front a snw.ll ■ ltfid(ce eros.-fn ihet-treum lending to the Farm Vard. 1 he whole M-«tip exprp-"v** "f . \hv warici i»tbwi -of rS'einn-r. Scene.5.—A mi#i«4.-L«g-KUt in the r ore*t. - Scene list. •W-MMiliaht. A M nu i tin i noun Co tin* v on the letl. A Mill Danwajftfl U titer 1 mnspar. n- ) ey hi the centre. Till- 9AW MILL, and all the Machinery in motion. A Sow uunden • tiudge crosses lb" ittreau. apd Tail Knees over which the character* enter trom the back ■jl'lhe scene, in the extreme ditfaiw* ParLofrhc Grand Canal in seen in the front. II- lumiiintcil Boner.' FIN ALB GlffU'l'—Curtain Ihlla. Wt Nisrht but iwooHIr, Master,& MisRlVibill's Engajrcmcnt The much ailmiml Ballad .-H* ihe I'ust Capt a in, by Mr. Tw tbill. Sonj;-Thr Minstrel Boy (Vjparticular th-sirc) bv master Tw ibill. . 'Ui.'l—KaMe Win™, from the I>rao.a**.f Tiinoutthe I urlar. hv lvla*-lcr 4r Miael uibilU Pon-i—1 won't he a Nun, " - <hTjemie!.tV - h> Vh^TntbiH -To*rrtph«^*» ada*4tlJFAKCK oi Animal Magnetism; or, a New School for Physic. .fa-fto/ *> T Mr. V.ti£tt» /'hard, Mr. ( ollii^ [-La Flelir, _ ^H^W -i ft***, ^y. Mivrqnis i\e Lancv. - . Mert~*oii ton-lance. Mrs. AHen. JeflVuy, £ia>pson Lissvtte. Wahaam.