Jitss.i GEmsam? washlyoto^' AN1» Jx S///10,/// /'//f//Yfr-/f/;//v 31? KOBEKTS,/;/// /////■/ra///•/////y//f/f.rr, 'TMM&ATltMi. VMI.iTH.-L.1>! tl.4RliKA^. A Written S.- Composed bv, ////. NEW YORK. M.'Illiraved, Printed. ,<■ .lW,/. fir, E.JiilcUl 2//, {/tat/uim Strce/ The comedian James Roberts in the blackface makeup and Continental soldier's uniform he wore when he sang "Massa Georgee Washington and General La Fayette" written by Micah Hawkins in honor of Lafayette's visit to New York in 1824. This famous sheet music cover, published the same year, is the work of David Claypoole Johnston, an actor, painter, and caricaturist, as well as a pioneering lithographer in the United States. COURTESY OF LESTER S. LEVY.