Annual Report: The Treasurer 95 The income and expenditures of the General Reserve for Pensions of the Society for the year 1959 were as follows: Inc»me: Transfer from General Fund Operating Account $ 15,000.00 Total Income $ 15,000.00 Expenditures: Payments during the year 3,345.00 Excess of Income over Expenditures for Year ... $ 11,655.00 Fund balance at beginning of year—January 1,1959 54,400.00 Fund Balance at End of Year—December 31,1959 . $66,055.00 The income and expenditures of the General Fund Reserve for Accessions of the Society for the year 1959 were as follows: Income: Contributions and sales of duplicate accessions .... $ 9,559.50 Expenditures: Museum and Library accessions 12,901.74 Excess of Expenditures over Income for Year ... $ (3,342.24) Fund balance at beginning of year—January i, 1959 . 11,562.94 Fund Balance at End of Year—December 31,1959 . $ 8,220.70 Note: The income and expenditures of the General Fund, as set forth above, are exclusive of the income and expenditures of the Special Funds shown below.