The Story of Cornwallis's Buckles Rudulph) of Major Henry Lee's Partisan Legion of the Continental Establishment." Ann Rudolph, the courageous "little rebel" to whom General ANN (RUDOLPH) SMITH WITH TWO OF HER THREE SONS Pastel by an unknown artist, c. 1800 Owner unknown; photo, courtesy Miss Helen Burr Smith Cornwallis gave his buckles, was a daughter of Jacob Rudolph (1744-1795) and Judith Yocum of Chester County, Pennsylvania, who were married October 28, 1765. Ann was born in 1767. She was married on June 3,17 8 6, to William Moore Smith (1759-1821), son of the Reverend William Smith, D.D., first Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and his wife Rebecca Moore, daughter of the Honorable William Moore and his wife Williamina Wemyss, daughter of the Fourth Earl of Wemyss. n "Family Portraits," with histories, compiled by Captain Henry Hobart Bellas; George Johnston, Cecil County, Md., 513. 190