Westchester County Freeholders of 1763 Croton River and in 1734.that south of the river8 were divided among the ten surviving heirs of Stephanus Van Cortlandt and the devisees of his deceased son, Oliver, whose wfll, proved November 25,1719, bequeathed his share to his brothers and sisters.' The remaining Manor lands, embracing Sarah's Point and a tract east of Bedford Patent were not divided, as the titles and boundaries were disputed by other claimants. To facilitate the clearing of these titles and the subsequent partition of the tracts or distribution of the proceeds of their sale, the proprietors of Cortlandt Manor in 17 5 3" conveyed these undivided holdings, in trust, to Oliver De Lancey, John Watts, and John Van Cortlandt. This arrangement was made with a view to the trustees instituting proceedings for the recovery of all lands in dispute, to the sale of the lands so to be recovered at Sarah's Point (the proceeds to be divided), and to the partition among the heirs of whatever other disputed lands could be recovered. The trustees were authorized to settle controversies as to encroachments, trespass, and boundaries by arbitration or ejectment as they saw fit." Evidently they saw fit to institute a suit of ejectment against EUsha Avery, who possessed lands within the boundaries in dispute. To do this, it was necessary, in accordance with the procedure 3 Scharf, West. Co., I: 131-32 gives somewhat confused information on the 1732, 1733, and 1753 divisions of the Manor lands and ignores the 1734 division, while Robert Bolton's revised History of .. .the County of Westchester, edited by C. W. Bolton, (New York: i88i),I: 105-6 merely mentions the 1733 and 1734 divisions. For the division in 1732 and 1733 of the undisputed lands north of Croton River into North and South Great Lots and the Great .Front Lots in three ranges, with the names of the members of the Van Cortlandt family to whom each share was apportioned, see Evert Bancker's 1774 facsimile of Philip Verplanck's 1732 survey map of Cortlandt Manor.—Scharf, West Co., I: opp. p. 140. This map shows the undisputed lands south of Croton divided into eight parts, with a remainder left undivided, the names of the owners not appearing thereon, Verplanck's map having been made two years previous to the 1734 division. For the further division of the undisputed lands south of Croton into the full ten parts, see map, otherwise practically identical with Verplanck's, in the County Clerk's Office, White Plains, N.Y., or the photostatic copy of it in The New-York Historical Society. These two maps have been adapted for combined reproduction in a map showing all divisions, reproduced opposite. *The New-York Historical Society Collections for the year 1893 (N.Y.: 1894), 201-2; see heirs of 1732-34 in Scharf, West Co., I: 132. * See Scharf, West Co., I: 132 for heirs in 1753. ." Release, Dec. 14, 1753, in Van Cordandt-Van Wyck Papers, Misc. Land Papers Box 1, Ms. Div., New York Public Library; Scharf, West. Co., I: 132. 284