Ezra Ames company of twenty-four men from Framingham who marched to Concord and Cambridge,23 and served ten days.24 From December i, 1775, to January 15, 1776, he served as a subaltern in Captain Simon Edgel's company of militia.25 At the end of this period his name appears on a pay abstract for travel allowance, dated Roxbury, January 14, 1776,28 which he doubtless used in returning home. His return may have been caused by the illness of his wife. In any event she died a month later, on February 14, 1776,27 leaving Jesse with six motherless children: Ezra, aged seven, Timothy (1762-1846), Jesse, Jr. (1764-1793), Bette (1766-1778), Polly (1771-1776), and Sally (1773-1861).28 On February 23, 1776, nine days after the death of his wife, Jesse Emes was commissioned a first lieutenant.29 Finally on March 27, 1776, he was commissioned a captain in command of the 6th Company of the 5th Middlesex County Regiment of Massachusetts Militia, under Colonel Samuel Bullard.30 On December 22, 1776, his daughter Polly died.81 On February 17, 1777, he resigned from the army,82 and on April 8, 1777, he married his second wife, Dorotha (Dorothy) Brown of Stur- bridge.33 Judging from birth dates in the vital records of Wayland, Massachusetts, the family appears to have moved about 1778 from Framingham to that part of Sudbury which became East Sudbury and after 1835 was called Wayland. Ezra's half sisters and half brother are recorded as born there: Bette the second (1778-1825), born two months before the death of Bette the first, but presumably christened later; Polly (orPolle) the second (1781-1829); and Henry (1783-1833).84 The family seems to ffl Ibid., 279. * Mass. Soldiers, V: 368. 24Mass. Soldiers, V: 362. " Ibid., 362-3. * Ibid., 16}. 81Sutliff,32. 26 Ibid., 368. " Mass. Soldiers, V: 363. 27Framingham V. R., 424. " Framingham V. _?., 229; cf. also Sut- ^Sutliff, 32. In MS Ames Family, lift, 32, and MS Ames Family. Timothy was "still living in 1848," but M Wayland V. _.., Introduction, 20- Framingham V. R., 425, gives the year of 21, gives birth dates; Sutliff, 32, gives death as 1846. both birth and death dates. 234