22 THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMORIAL MINUTE ON THE DEATH OF jfreberic 3Selano Weekes Adopted June 16, 1936 At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the New York Historical Society held on Tuesday, June 16, 1936, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, The New York Historical Society has learned with deep sorrow of the death on May 24, 1936, at Oyster Bay, New York, of Frederic Delano Weekes, a life member and one-time Treasurer of the Society, Be it Resolved That the Following Memorial Minutes Be Adopted: Frederic Delano Weekes, the son of John Abeel Weekes and Alice Delano, his wife, was born in New York City on May 23rd, 1854. The founder of the Weekes family from whom his branch is descended was Francis Weekes of Devonshire, England, who, with Roger Williams, and others, was one of the Founders of Providence, Rhode Island, in 1635. In 1660 his name is first found upon the Town Records of Oyster Bay, Long Island, where many of his descendants still reside. Mr. Weekes was graduated from Columbia University in 1877 with the degree of A. B. Among his many interests were the Amateur Comedy Club Incorporated of which he was stage manager when it gave its fitst performance on February 13, 1885. He was a member for more than fifty years of a select group, the "Thursday Evening Club of New York," whose members were interested in arts, literature, music, science, and social graces, and served as its Treasurer. He also served as Treasurer of the Lying-in Hospital in New York, and was a member of the St. Nicholas Society, Children's Aid Society, The Five Points House of Industry, the Union Club, to which he was elected in 1886, and the Fencers Club. With his three brothers he was a member of the law firm of Weekes Brothers, although he never actively engaged in the practice of law. In 1911 Mr. Weekes became a life member of The New York Historical Society and was appointed to the Executive Committee in 1913. In 1915 he was elected Treasurer of the Society and held the office until 1918. During these years of service in administering the financial affairs of the Society Mr. Weekes was one of its most active officers, and his interest in its affairs and welfare never ceased even after his services in an executive capacity had ended. Mr. Weekes never married and is survived by two sisters, Miss Alice Delano Weekes and Mrs. Sarah Weekes Carnes Hoppin,_ and one brother, Mr. John A. Weekes, President of the Society. In grateful tribute to his memory and kindly personality it is further Resolved, That this minute be spread upon the records of the Society and an engrossed copy be forwarded to the family.