Painted around 1850 by the German-born artist Joseph VoUmering, this is a view of the Hudson River near the village of Sing Sing. A number of exhibitions were presented by the museum in 1978. The first major installation, entitied New Life for Old Objects: The Art of the Conservator, opened in April. This exhibition demonstrated how paintings and objects in the Society's collections were given new life through conservation. Appropriately, an exhibition of approximately 175 World War I posters, entitied Over Here, opened on Armistice Day, 1978, marking the sixtieth anniversary of the end of the war. This display, including posters of Liberty Loan drives, Red Cross appeals, food and fuel conservation requests, showed aspects of life on the home front during World War I. A more recent period was reflected in the exhibition New York In the Forties: Photographs by Andreas Feininger, which illustrated the commerce, industry, and shipping of New York City at that time.