Edited by David H. Wallace when he imprudently rushed out amidst the mob to destroy the effigy of the Minister, which was displayed before the inn.8 Every one who travels in this part of the State is directed to the Keeper of the Circulating Library for information, for which he is entitled to great credit.9 He lays himself out exclusively for this purpose and there is nothing in the North West country worthy of being seen that he cannot direct you to. He exacts from travellers nothing but a promise that he will transmit to him any thing that occurs worthy of communicating and the Library is well stocked with these remarks which are at the service of all who-wish to see them. From Albany there is a stage coach which sets off three times a week for Niagara. The fare from Albany to Utica $5.50 Utica to Geneva 5.00 Geneva to Canandagua .... .7510 Canandagua to Buffaloe 6 cents per mile But the inconvenience of travelling by stage is incalculable. Those who wish to see the natural curiosities which the country produces, such as the Salt Springs at Onondago and the sulphur mines a few miles beyond Geneva, must take private conveyances. To leave the stage would subject you to a residence among these people for some weeks probably or compel you to proceed in a waggon, exposed to all the arts of imposition which the innkeepers on this road are well experienced in. The discharge of cannon soon after we got to bed ushered in the morning of the 4 July, a day regarded by all the Americans with the utmost veneration and celebrated with a frenzy approaching to madness by the Democratic party. The military assemble and after performing a few evolutions retire to one of the most commodious churches, where one of the young graduates, previously appointed, delivers an oration, upon which his success or insignificancy as a lawyer generally depends. The pulpit from whence the word of God is communicated to men is now converted into a forum from whence [with] the most sacreligious curses and profane epithets are denounced all the would be enemies of America. The oration finished, Democrat & Federal join their different 8 Francis James Jackson (1770-1814), British Minister to the United States, 1809- 1811. During the summer of 1810 Jackson, who was very unpopular with the Madison administration, made a tour of the North. He was very warmly received by the Federalists of Boston but at Albany had what Henry Adams called "the unusual experience of seeing himself burned in effigy." 9 Probably John Cook, whose Library and Reading Room was advertised in The Albany Gazette, November 11,1811. "According to Joel Munsell, the chronicler of Albany, the stage line between Albany and Niagara Falls was opened in May 1811. He gives the same fares, with one exception: that from Geneva to Canandaigua was $5.75, not $.75 as Dunlop says. See Munsell, The Annals of Albany, V (Albany, 1854), 29. 275