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Civil War posters, 1861-1865.
Collins, Jno. M. Maxwell, William R., 1825?-1864 McComb, James
Stand by your flag!! All able bodied between the ages of 18 and 45, who are desirous of enrolling their names for the formation of a military volunteer company, and who, after enlistment would like to be used 'as men should and must be,' …
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Camden Democrat Print.
Sept. 12, 1861
1 poster ; 46 x 31 cm.
Pursuant to the request of our numerous friends, we have come to the conclusion to organize a Company, but to avoid all future trouble that may arise, we refrain from making any promises that we cannot honorably perform; we will say, however, that there is nothing appertaining to the rights of the men but what will be scrupulously exacted for them.'
ac03024s PR-055-3-24
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Posters United States--Armed Forces--Recruiting, enlistment, etc.--Civil War, 1861-1865 Camden (N.J.)--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Posters Broadsides (notices)
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Poster; 46 x 31 cm. 'Pursuant to the request of our numerous friends, we have come to the conclusion to organize a Company, but to avoid all future trouble that may arise, we refrain from making any promises that we cannot honorably perform; we will say, however, that there is nothing appertaining to the rights of the men but what will be scrupulously exacted for them.'