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Civil War posters, 1861-1865.
Mounted Rifle Rangers! Good first class men wanted in the Squadron of Rifle Rangers to be attached to Gen. Butler's Division, equestrians and sharp shooters.
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
1 poster ; 74 x 54 cm.
At center, calvary officer with raised sword on charging horse. Calling for the enlistment of equestrians and sharp shooters in a division under General Benjamin F. Butler. Gives height and weight requirements for all those who consider enlistment. All those who were to enlist were to do so at No. 50 Old Post Office in the Merchants' Exchange Building on State Street, or by mail to Captain S. Tyler Read.
This regiment was originally organized in 1861 as the 41st Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, and changed to the 3rd Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in 1863. Prior to the change, this regiment was known as the Mounted Rifle Rangers. S. Tyler Read was a captain who became a major in company A of the 3rd Massachusetts Calvary Regiment. F.A. Seale was probably Frederick A. Seale, a printer at the New Journal Building, 118 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts.
ac03010s PR-055-3-10
United States. Army. Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment, 3rd (1863-1865)
United States--Armed Forces--Recruiting, enlistment, etc.--Civil War, 1861-1865 United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Posters Boston (Mass.)--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Posters Broadsides (notices)
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Poster: 74 x 54 cm. At center, calvary officer with raised sword on charging horse. Calling for the enlistment of equestrians and sharp shooters in a division under General Benjamin F. Butler. Gives height and weight requirements for all those who consider enlistment. All those who were to enlist were to do so at No. 50 Old Post Office in the Merchants' Exchange Building on State Street, or by mail to Captain S. Tyler Read.