Annual Report: Statistical Appendices 8$ Loans There were 39 loans, including 305 items from the Museum, Library and Bella C. Landauer Collections, made to 34 borrowers, including: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum of the City of New York Collection (Williamsburg, Va.) Museum of Modern Art American Federation of Arts The National Democratic Club (New York City) New Jersey Historical Society American Institute of Architects The New York Junior League (3) American Museum of Natural The New York Public Library History (2) New York State Historical Asso- Barnard College ciation, Cooperstown, N.Y. Brooklyn Museum (2) The Pierpont Morgan Library (2) Brown University Library Portraits, Inc. (New York City) Chatham College, Pittsburgh, Penn. Princeton University Corning Museum of Glass The Rhode Island Historical Harvard University Library Society Hempstead Junior Museum Schenectady Museum Association Johns Hopkins University Library Smithsonian Institution Macy's Department Store Trailside Museum (New York City) University Museum (University META Studios of Pennsylvania) Metropolitan Museum of Art University of Maryland Montclair Art Museum University of Vermont Museum of Contemporary Crafts Miscellaneous receipts issued 59 Loans to the Society 3 IV. EXHIBITIONS Mayors of New York City (November 1957-January 1958) American Pressed Glass (December 1957-May 1958) Etchings of Buildings of Downtown New York City by James Boyd (January i-April 28) Nineteenth Century Carriers'' Addresses (March i-April 30) De Witt M. Lockman Memorial Exhibit (March-July) Etchings of New York City Churches by James Boyd (April 30-July 31) Portraits of the Stuyvesants (April-July) C. D. Batchelor Cartoons (May 26-July 31) Noah Webster Bicentennial Exhibition (September i-December 31) Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Exhibition (October-December)