STATISTICAL APPENDICES I. ATTENDANCE Total Attendance 72>976 Comparative Total Attendance, 1957 and 1958 >9S8 7,87i 6,942 9,359 6,625 5,5'2 4,652 3>936 (Closed) 3,846 8,689 9>254 6,290 82,509 72>976 Average Total Daily Attendance for 1958 (328 days open) . Building closed the month of August, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. January February March. 11,47' 11,347 10,271 April . May . 6,258 5,856 June . July - August September October 5,334 3,638 (Closed) 4,4*3 6,831 November December 9,909 III Educational Attendance (at all programs offered for schools) 55 Elementary Schools (127 class visits) 17 Junior High Schools (30 class visits) 8 Senior High Schools (34 class visits) 20 Private Schools (36 class visits) . 9 Catholic (15 class visits) 2 Jewish (3 class visits) .... 9 Protestant and Non-sectarian (18 class visits) 14 Schools located outside New York City (23 class visits) 7 Schools located outside New York State (7 class visits) 9 Colleges (16 class visits) 1957 375 294 557 W* 7,318 7,793 3,128 3,4'7 917 765 306 1,113 867 993 144 537 35 70 688 386 647 227 406