2/f. The New-York Historical Society An excellent selection of a dozen original cartoons by C. D. Batchelor of the New York Daily News, all having a particular interest to New Yorkers, was given by the artist. A rare allegorical print: America by the famous portrait painter Robert Edge Pine, published in London in 1778, was the generous gift of our Honorary President; and the set of four engravings of Thomas Cole's Voyage of Life came from Mrs. John Adams Dix to enrich our collection of the works of that distinguished artist. Reverend J. E. Strickland added to his previous gifts the rare and early Plan of the City of Washington by Thackara and Val- lance, published in Philadelphia in 1792; and the choice View of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, by N. Garrison, 1784. In spite of the size of our collection of New York City prints we are constantly finding rare new ones. One this year was a lithograph of the city from West Hoboken by Jacottet and Bay ot, published about 1850, of which only one or two others are known; another was a probably unique anonymous lithograph of the landing of Lafayette at Castle Garden in 1825; and best of all was the extremely rare (one of three or four known copies) engraved View of New York from Long Island by Samuel Seymour after William Birch, 1803. This is the unpopular first or "white horse" state of a charming view whose lone white horse at the right of the picture was later replaced by a picnic party as the most conspicuous of numerous changes which were made to romanticize the print. We also have the second state which did not at all improve the artistic charm of the more accurate but less popular first state. Our very successful daguerreotype exhibit brought us some excellent additions in that delightful field. Mr. John E. Parsons set the example by giving us previous to the show a lovely daguerreotype of Colonel Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte in his West Point uniform and we later secured several collections one of which contained a portrait of George Hall, first mayor of Brooklyn, and a splendid picture of Daniel Webster taken as a gift to Mr. Hall who had helped manage his political campaign in 1848.