22 The New-York Historical Society of the letters. Mr. William Astor Chanler gave an important Jefferson letter, Mr. C. O. v. Kienbusch a fine collection of official returns of quartermaster's stores at Fishkill Landing during the Revolution, and Mr. Hall Park McCullough a valuable lot of thirty-six letters and documents from the papers of Robert Morris. A brief but important Revolutionary orderly book of a Rhode Island regiment stationed during part of 1776 at Harlem Heights (the present site of Columbia University) is a choice addition and so is the unusually interesting collection of political letters sent a century later to the editors of the Sun by half a dozen Presidents and many other distinguished Americans. But one of the collections of greatest historical significance is that of William Walker, agent of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase in western New York from 1788 until after 1800, presented, together with other manuscripts and books, by Mrs. William Walker Rockwell. Walker was located at the frontier town of Canandaigua and his papers include the original survey of the Purchase and the earliest map of Canandaigua, showing the original numbered lots. The papers include much of the fundamental history of the earliest years of the Genesee Country, supplementing the General Israel Chapin and other western New York papers in our Henry O'Reilly Collection and the Oliver Phelps papers in the State Library and the Ontario County Historical Society. Our most distinguished printed book of the year, more fully described and evaluated in a special study for the April 1959 Quarterly by Rev. Dr. Edgar F. Romig, is The English and Low- Dutch School-Master, by Francis Harrison, printed by New York's first printer, William Bradford, in 1730. This is the first American textbook of Low Dutch and we believe that only one other copy has survived. This important volume was our first purchase from the Lathrop C. Harper, Litt.D., Fund. A rare book of more practical reference value is the excellent American Atlas of Major Holland published in London in 1794 and given us by Mr. Thomas W. Streeter.