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N-YHS Digital Collections
Ebenezer Gray collection, 1777-1844 (bulk 1777-1786)
Ebenezer Gray collection, 1777-1844 (bulk 1777-1786)
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Ebenezer Gray collection, 1777-1844 (bulk 1777-1786)
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Printed document dated January 1, 1777 and signed by John Hancock, appointing Ebenezer Gray 'Major of a Battalion of which William Douglass Esq. is appointed Colonel'.
Printed document dated March 16, 1779 and signed by John Jay, appointing Ebenezer Gray lieutenant colonel of the Sixth Connecticut Regiment.
Letter from General Israel Putnam to Ebenezer Gray, dated headquarters, Reading, January 16, 1779, ordering a small guard to be stationed at Greens Farm during the winter season at the inhabitants' request.
Letter from General Israel Putnam to Ebenezer Gray, dated January 27, 1779.
Letter from General Israel Putnam to Ebenezer Gray, dated Camp Reading, February 1, 1779.
Letter to Ebenezer Gray, dated April 13, 1779.
Letter to Ebenezer Gray, dated New Stratford, May 2, 1781.
Letter from S. Augustus S. Barker to Ebenezer Gray, dated Camp on James River, July 17, 1781.
Letter from S. Augustus S. Barker to Ebenezer Gray, dated Camp on the Pomunky [sic], King William County, Va., August 20, 1781.
Letter from D. Humphrys, Aide de Camp, to Ebenezer Gray, dated headquarters, April 16, 1782
Disposition of the Manoeuvre on Saturday next, Sept. 20th [?] 1782 [sic]'; docket title: 'Manoeuvres 20th Sept 1783 [sic] Verplanks'.
Printed land grant from Thomas Jefferson to the heirs of Ebenezer Gray, in recognition of his military service.
Letter from 'a citizen' to the postmaster of Windham, Conn., dated Germantown, March 13, 1841, asking him to transmit information to the family of Ebenezer Gray concerning his powder horn, transcribed from Watson's Annals of Philadelphia, Vol. 2, p, 45.
Letter from 'a citizen of Germantown' to the postmaster of Windham, Conn., dated July 30, 1844, with additional information concerning Ebenezer Gray's powder horn.
Engraved certificate dated July 4, 1786 and signed by George Washington, admitting Ebenezer Gray to membership in the Society of the Cincinnati.