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Slavery Collection, 1709-1864
Montagnie, H. Farrell, Joshua York Grey, Mr. Clara (Ship)
[Deposition of Joshua Farrell and York, a Black man, slave of Mr. Grey]
Two-page deposition of the separate testimonies of Captain Joshua Farrell, of the Ship Clara, and York, a runaway slave. Farrel states that he discovered York on board his ship when sailing from the port of New Orleans to New York City. York testifies that he had run away from his master, Mr. Grey of Natchez [Mississippi] because of poor treatment, and that Farrel "knew him to be on board and invited him to come along." Recorded and signed by H. Montagnie, Special Justice [of New York City]. Note on verso indicates that York was confirmed as the slave of Grey and discharged at his own expense August 23, 1808.
nyhs_sc_b-06_f-01_009 Mss Collection - Slavery Collection
Slavery--Mississippi Slavery--New York Fugitive slaves--Mississippi Stowaways--New York
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I Joshua Farrell, master of the ship Clara of this port direct from New Orleans ; - do hereby declose , that on the 6th of July instant at six I discovered concealed on board said ship, a black man who calls his name York & says that he is slave to a person residing at Natchez in the [blank] territory; & further that at the time of my souling from said port of New Orleans I had no knowledge either directly or indirectly that the said slave was on board. , , [Signed] J Farrell, , Sworn before me this 30th day of July 1808, , [Signed] H. Montagnie, Special Justice, , City of New York […] The above named York being examined says that he is a slave of a Mr. Grey who resides at New Orleans – The reason why he ran away from his said master was that he […] […] aminant to bad and never gave him any Sunday – That he came here in the ship Clara Capt. Farrel yesterday – that the capt knew him to be on board any […] asked him to come along. , , Taken before me this 30th day of July 1808. , , [Signed] H. Montagnie, Special Justice, , [on back] Joshua Farrell, York Black man slave of Mr. Grey […], , […] as the slave of the master and of his expense, , Discharged 23 August 1808