President Kimball's Portrait "In ending I wish to express my pleasure in being honored by representing the Board of Trustees in making the presentation at the unveiling of this work of art. I therefore order that the portrait of President LeRoy Elwood Kimball be exposed to public view and be placed among the portraits of his predecessors in office." Following Dr. Beekman's remarks, the portrait was unveiled by Dr. James J. Heslin, Associate Director of the Society. Mrs. Kimball brought from her husband's hospital room his sincere thanks and best wishes to his assembled Board and other friends. He also asked her to express what inspiration and help he had received during the nine years as Vice-President under a man such as Dr. Fenwick Beekman. She then introduced the artist, John C. Johansen, Esq., N.A., who responded briefly. Refreshments were served and Mrs. Thomas W. Streeter, wife of the Treasurer of the Society, and Mrs. Paul Sturtevant, a very close friend of Dr. and Mrs. Kimball, poured. MRS. PAUL STURTEVANT AND MRS. THOMAS W. STREETER POURING AT THE RECEPTION IN HONOR OF PRESIDENT KIMBALL