WsfTU SING OF PATRIOTS GONE. SERGEANT AND? WALLACE. A Veteran of the R r. vo i, Agsd IO*/«*r». ion, the rescuer of Ud*yette'ftt the Battle of Brandywine. This txtmerdataru Jf*K stiff rc/atns tht fittt plwer if memory arut s*tmd xkh, *M tf * tivfnf Ckrwtwtr of Me *£**,} 9f VuiXd buag- xyrtui1. Mi mas .Siww w/ fauemtistSceUafNtJmtheytar tfiurj,erel f78&, h it/f hit country far ^tminxa mt7$&.— stt tha eommmammejftiu veluhett, hcrnhtUct in the Sc*i>tff- sf the U S. in u:hcA he ctntinued with tittU mttfrufUten far nealu SQl/mrs.—Jit asststett xi tht trust rtttiarkatfe Battles during At War, ttcaptd. tht -.Mas* act tf&tcCy and yi Ot* Battle tf Brandtju/in* i &*fay**t* w»j uauntied rticutd hun from his /ttrtUtti, situation ,tn4 fore him Oft hiS bade ttjbout % tittles & mehvuee tf <t frund SHEET MUSIC COVER, C. 1835 The Bella C. Landauer Collection (NYHS)