Carl Otto von Kienbusch Fund—1911, for the purchase of manuscripts 50,000 Randall J. LeBoeufJr., Bequest—1916, for preservation and exhibition of collection 5,000 Irving McKesson Memorial Fund—1963, gift, for the purchase of manuscripts 5,000 The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fund—1977, for Library use . 175,000 Mr. and Mrs. J. William Middendorf II Fund—1967, gift, for the purchase of prints 1,000 Alice M. Muhlenfels Fund—1963, bequest, for the purchase of manuscripts 5,000 Naval History Society Fund—1925, gift, for the care and increase of the Naval History Society Library, John S. Barnes Foundation 15,753 Howland Gallatin Pell Binding Fund—1936, gift of his father, Howland Pell, for the binding of books 2,000 Stephen Whitney Phoenix Fund—1876, 1878, bequest for the increase of the Phoenix Collection of Heraldry and Genealogy by the purchase of books 15,000 Schuyler Fund—1916, gift of the Misses Georgina and Louisa Lee Schuyler for the care of the Schuyler collection of portraits and relics and for other purposes 1,000 Fund of the Sons of Rhode Island in New York—1866, gift, for the purchase of works relating to the history of Rhode Island . 600 John Jay Vritson Fund—1958, bequest of Eliza J. Watson, for the purchase of original American paintings of historical significance 150,000 Susan M. Watson Binding Fund—1909, gift, for the binding of books 5,000 James B. Wilbur Fund—1935, bequest, for the purchase of books, manuscripts, and prints 100,000 George A. Zabriskie Binding Fund—1941-54, gifts and bequest, for the binding of books 15,000 Total $1,208,807 Respectfully submitted Margaret W. Platten, Treasurer The financial records of the Society for the calendar year 1982 have been audited by Messrs. lioyce, Hughes & Farrell, Certified Public Accountants, whose report is on file in the Director's Office. 47