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Slavery Collection, 1709-1864
Jenkins, Thomas McDonald, John Peter Ledgerwood, Joseph Jenkins, William Hogg, John Polke, William Jenkins, Widow Oldom, William Ruble, Henry Harrion, W. H. Sturman, Humphrey Duncan, James Bogard, Abram Price, Benjamin D. Lago, Wilson Hursch, Henry Smith, Charles
Sale of the property of Thomas Jenkins
Four-page bill of sale to multiple persons of the estate of Thomas Jinkins, including tools, books, furniture, arms, livestock, one slave woman, one slave girl, one slave boy, and one slave boy named Peter.
nyhs_sc_b-04_f-02_014 Mss Collection - Slavery Collection
Bills of Sale Inventories of decedents' estates Slaves Slavery
Bills of sale Estate inventories
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