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Slavery Collection, 1709-1864
Durant, Cornelius Vernon, William, 1719-1806 Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 Taylor, William Taylor, Edward McAvoy, Christopher Sobotker, Johannes Korthwright, Cornelius Wood, Peter Barry, Thomas Hendrickson, Cornelius Hylegar McDonald, Tarrence Tarrell, Faughry O'Gara, John Thalbitzer, Charles Henry Herring, Dr. Meers, Dr. Whitehead, Joshua Lord, Jonathan Royal Charlotte (Brig) Samuel & William Vernon & Co.
Sails of 90 Slaves viz. 83 on Acct. of the Brig Royall Charlotte for the owners
Account record for the sale of 90 slaves from the cargo of the Royall [Royal] Charlotte, sold by Cornelius Durant [of St. Croix Virgin Islands] on behalf of Samuel and William Vernon [of Newport, Rhode Island]. Includes names of purchasers, price paid, and gender and age of slaves bought.
nyhs_sc_b-02_f-13_016 Mss Collection - Slavery Collection
Merchant Ships--United States
Virgin Islands--Commerce Slave trade--Virgin Islands
Accounts Receipts (financial records)
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