Index Davison, Isaac Hicks, New York Merchant and Quaker, 358-60 Donovan, Mr. Monroe's Message: The Story of the Monroe Doctrine, 271- 72 Fitzpatrick and Saphire, Navy Maverick: Uriah Phillips Levy, 366 Franklin, The Emancipation Proclamation, 182-83 Glaab, ed., The American City: A Documentary History, 377 Goodstein, Biography of a Businessman: Henry W. Sage, 93-95 Hamilton, The French and Indian Wars, 178-79 Handlin, The Americans: A New History of the People of the United States, 282-83 Heinl, Soldiers of the Sea, The United States Marine Corps, 1775-1962, 90- 92 . Hendricks, The Edison Motion Picture Myth, 372 James, A People Among Peoples: Quaker Benevolence in Eighteenth- Century America, 180-81 Kiger, American Learned Societies, 284-86 Labaree, Patriots and Partisans: The Merchants of Newburyport, 1764- 1815,84-85 Labaree, Bell, and Ketcham, eds., The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vols. V and VI, 352-54 Lewis, Cue's New York, 192 Lewis, Montcalm, the Marvelous Marquis, 266-67 Lubove, The Progressives and the Slums: Tenement House Reform in New York City, 1890-1917, 186-88 Lyon, Success Story, The Life and Times of S. S. McClure, 372-73 Malone, Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty, 85-86 McKelvey, The Urbanization of America, 1860-1915, 277-78 Merrill, Against Wind and Tide: A Biography of William Lloyd Garrison, 274-75 Mitgang, The Man Who Rode the Tiger: The Life and Times of Judge Samuel Seabury, 280-81 Morgan, ed., The Gilded Age: A Reappraisal, 188-89 Mudge, Chinese Export Porcelain for the American Trade: 1785-1835, 269 Murphy and Mannion, The History of the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, 190-92 Nettels, The Emergence of a National Economy, 1775-1815,268-69 Neumann, America Encounters Japan: From Perry to MacArthur, 376-77 Nichols, Presbyterianism in New York State, 375-76 Parsons, West on the 49th Parallel: Red River to the Rockies, 1872-1876, 184-86 Pilkington, Hamilton College, 1812- 1962, 377-78 Pletcher, The Awkward Years:-American Foreign Relations under Garfield and Arthur, 278-80 Powell, Puritan Village: The Formation of a New England Town, 348- 49 . . Rankin, Uniforms of the Sea Services: A Pictorial History, 281-82 Reese, Colonial Georgia: A Study in British Imperial Policy in the Eighteenth Century, 264 Riegel, American Feminists, 283-84 Riley, ed., The Journal of John Harrower, 354-55 Rixey, Bamie: Theodore Roosevelt's Remarkable Sister, 369-72 Rogers, Evolution of a Federalist: William Loughton Smith of Charleston, 357-58 Rosenberg, The Cholera Years: The United States in 1832,1849, and 1866, 92-93 Schott, Above and Beyond: The Story of the Congressional Medal of Honor, 374-75 Seager, And Tyler Too: A Biography of John and Julia Gardiner Tyler, 272-74 Shipton, New England Life in the< Eighteenth Century, 351-52 Simon and Feininger, New York, 287- 88 Sparks, ed., Inside Lincoln's Army: The Diary of General Marsena Rudolph Patrick, 276 Sweeney, The Treasure House of Early American Rooms, 288 Syrett and Cooke, eds., The Papers of 380