The New-York Historical Society certificates of volunteer firemen, patriotic societies, secret orders, military orders, museums, and other organizations, and diplomas and merit testimonials of many schools and colleges. The exhibition was held in the Special Exhibitions Gallery through September 2 I st. The September Exhibition-of-the-Month commemorated Lafayette, since September, 1757, was the month of his birth, and September, 1824, was the month in which he was feted by the citizens of New Y>rk in Castle Garden. On September 26th, Mr. William Sawitzky gave the first of fifteen Friday afternoon lectures in his second graduate course on early American painting, under the joint auspices of this Society and the Institute of Fine Arts of New Y»rk University. An important new catalogue of the Society's American Portraits will soon be placed on sale. It describes 885 American portraits, in oil, water-color, pencil, and sculpture, and of this large collection, more than 425 are illustrated. This Society was represented at the annual meeting of The New Y>rk State Historical Association, at Geneva, New York, September 18, 19, and 20. Miss Barck, the Editor, will attend the first annual meeting of the American Association for State and Local History, in Hartford, on October 8th, and is to preside at the session devoted to "A Publication Program for Historical Societies." The Costume Gallery, on the fourth floor, has been newly installed by Mr. H. Maxson Holloway, the Museum Curator, with an interesting variety of related material. At present there are being exhibited five wedding gowns, 1828-1897, a number of gowns of the nineteenth century, and men's costumes and embroidered waistcoats of the eighteenth century. With the gowns are shown jewelry, fans, mourning handkerchiefs, other dress accessories, and fashion magazines, together with a number of fashion plates and bills from the Bella C. Landauer Collection. The exhibition represents the gifts of many donors. 128