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Jupiter Hammon poem on Anne Hutchinson, p. [1], 'Sickness'.
Townsend family papers, 1746-1864.
New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024, 212-873-3400
New-York Historical Society
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Sickness O Come ye youth of Boston town the mournfull News youl [sic] hear the Pious youth though just come on Shall Quickly Disappear She Always did appear to be A Chosen Child of god he gave her grace that set her free She Loved his holy Word In Widsom[']s ways She always went an[d] gave a Just Record for Every Sin She Should Repent And fly unto the Lord She Like a Lamb [for] mournful love She Silently did Cry Dear Jesus Come ye from above My Soul on the[e] rely She did Confirm the Holy word to youth that Live in sin to Leave that way and Serve the Lord that Christ may take them in She Going the way of all the Earth her Nature doth Decay Dear Jesus Send her thy Relief And help her now to Pray Not many days before the word her panting heart did fly She thus Prayed unto the Lord And met a fresh Reply Come Blessed Jesus now Look down have mercy on my Soul and thus forgive the Ills we Done and Quickly Send thy Call