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Yarrington, William, 1738-1811.
October 26, 1776 (continued) to October 29, 1776.
William Yarrington diary, 1759-1776.
New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024, 212-873-3493
New-York Historical Society.
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[Page 93] Did but just Escape hands. They said they Was within Twenty yards & Capt. Hudson Head Them and one Belonging to our Company was one of the Crue. We Came to an anker at 12 of the Clock at Night. Came to Sail at Four in the morning and got to New Haven at 12 of the Clock. This was Sonday October 27th. Our Officers went on Shore and those that was Draughed to goe in the Whale Boats. I Staid on Board all night. Monday 28th. Went on Shore this morning. Had Breadfast at Dr. Grimes. An Express arived to the Governor. Our officers Baggage was Carried on Shore and Left in Town and the Soldiers left their Cloaths on Shore likewise & mine was Left with Sergt. Gildersleeves. I Lodged on board that Night. Tuesday 29th. Drue provisions and all the Companys of Every Detachment Was order on Board their Transports after the prisoners was Carried on Shore. Captain Niles fired the Signal gun and the Fleet Came to Sail.