[Page 88] Monday 30th. No Boat or vessel Could be got to Day. The Day Wore aWay being much Disappointed after all ye pains. Tuesday, October 1st. I Expected to have gone up the River this morning but the wind was Conterary. Wednesday, Octer. 2nd. Loaded my goods this morning on Board of Mr. Springer's Boat, Saild from New London about nine o Clock. Got to Norwich Landon about Two o Clock, Found Some Relations and acquaintences, was kindly ues'd, Drinkt with my friends and took Dinner, Stord my goods in Capt. Perkin's Store. My Friends Brought my wife & Children to Scotland. Staid at Mr. Web's at the meeting house. Thursday, 3. Took Breckfast whare we Lodged, Came to Father Cleaveland's, was Kindly Recev'd, all of us well but much Fatiugd of our journey. Fryday 4th. Went to git a team to Fech my goods from Norwich. Spent the day in visiting my friends. Lodged at